Sector Indicators
1,121 Number of households
Number of households with Fuel wood
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
3,471 Number of households
Number of households with Solar
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
33,423 Number of households
number of households with electricity
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
911 Number of households
Number of households with Gas Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
33,735 Number of households
number of households with Lantern
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
665 Number of households
Number of households with other lighting
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
1,433 Number of households
number of households with Presure Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
125,005 Number of households
Number of households with Tin Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent energy consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
76 Grid Extension
Status of Electrification of Primary Schools
As of 2015 (Ministry of Energy)
6,891 Sq. Km
Arable Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
5,407 Sq. Km
Non-Arable Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
12,610 Sq. Km
Total Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
268 Sq. Km
Urban Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
1,535 Sq. Km
Water Mass
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
7 %
Paved Roads as a % of Total Area Roads
As of 2011 (Centre for Humanitarian Data)
90 %
Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Parcels
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
22,222,850 KSH
Kales Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
6,979 Sq. Km
Land Potential by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
3,334 Production (90 Kg Bag) Cereals
Maize Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
1,159,582,100 KSH
Mangoes Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
140,325 KSH
Quantity and value of aquaculture production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
95 Production (Tons)
Rice Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
1,089 Production (90 Kg Bags)
Sorghum Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
21,000,143 KSH
Tomato Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
13 %
Average morbidity in all genders
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
16 %
Morbidity in females
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
10 %
Morbidity in males
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
As of 2015 (Ministry of Health)
Among children under age 5 with fever, percentage who took any ACT
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Births assisted by a skilled provider (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Births delivered in a health facility (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children 12-23 months fully vaccinated (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are overweight or obese (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are stunted (moderate or severe) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are underweight (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are wasted (moderate or severe) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under age 5 who slept under an ITN the night before the survey (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under age 5 with fever in the 2 weeks before the survey
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Current use of any method of family planning (% of currently married women age 15-49)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Current use of any modern method of family planning (% of currently married women age 15-49)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Households with at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Households with at least one ITN for every 2 persons in the household (universal coverage) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Men 15-49 who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months and received the results of the last test (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Men 15-49 who know that HIV can be prevented by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received 3+ doses of SP/Fansidar to prevent malaria during pregnancy, at least one dose was received during an ANC visit (IPTp) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received 4+ ANC visits (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received antenatal care from a skilled provider (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who slept under an ITN the night before the survey (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
198 Number of incidences
As of 2015 (The kenya Police)
2,362 Number of crimes
County Crime Figures according to Prevalence
As of 2014 (The Kenya Police)
2,362 Numbers
Crime incidences
As of 2014 (The Kenya Police)
213 Crime index
Crime index per 100000 people
As of 2014 (The kenya Police)
Distribution of the Poor (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Headcount Rate (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Poverty Gap (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Severity of Poverty (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Household level price (inflation price)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent food expenditure (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent non-food item consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Population Density 2009 (people per sq Km)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Share of urban population, 2009 (%)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Poverty gap, based on KIHBS (2005/06)
As of 2005 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Annual population growth rate, 1999-2009(%)
As of 1999 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent education consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
53,059 no of boys
ECDE Enrollment and Enrollment rates by county
As of 2014 (Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development)
9,125 Number of overloaded desks in urban and semi urban settlements
Number of overloaded desks
As of 2014 (Centre for Humanitarian Data)
957 number of classes
Number of permanent classes in public schools
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
6,374 Number of teachers
Number of Secondary school teachers
As of 2014 (Ministry of Education)
81 Number of classes
Number of temporary classes in public schools
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
25 Average class size
Private Schools average class size
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
235 number of classes
private schools permanent class
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
25 number of classes
private schools temporary class
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
39 number of classes
pulic schools avarage class size
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
Proportion of households that sought and accessed credit (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Proportion of households that sought credit (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
471 Malaria
Top Causes of Death
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
64 %
Access to improved sources of water
As of 2013 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
14,764 number of households
number of households with main septic tanks
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
102,297 number of households
number of households with the main pit latrine
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
3,234 Number of households
number of households with the main sewer
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
Local Revenue by Stream - 2015-16
- CESS on Natural ResourcesANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE165.8 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE227.6 million
- Slaughter House and Livestock Sale YardsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE7.8 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE2.4 million
- Rent/ Stall RentsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE25.8 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE5.5 million
- Other revenue streamsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE53 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE9.6 million
- Land Rates and Other Land RevenueANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE421 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE43.1 million
- Survey Fees and Plot RentsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE23.6 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE2.8 million
- Bill Boards and SignageANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE76.5 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE14.3 million
- Building Plan Approval and InspectionANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE61.9 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE5.6 million
- Refuse CollectionANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE15.6 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE1.1 million
- Food Hygiene FeesANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE11.1 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE1.9 million
- Sale of Tender DocumentsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE18.2 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE631.5 thousand
Budget Summary - 2017-18
Click to View
Annual Revenue Vs. Annual Expenditure
Revenue Breakdown
Expenditure Breakdown