Sector Indicators
18 Number
Atraction sites
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
35 Percentage
Bed occupancy rate
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
3 Number
Cultural museums
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
156 Number
Cutural groups
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
3,668 Number
Hotel bed availability
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
1 Number
National reserves
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
5,212 Number
Number of tourists
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
600 Number
Wildlife population - elephants
As of 2019 (elgeyo-marakwet)
41 Percentage
4plus ANC attendance coverage
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 132)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 44.99MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage9 Percentage
Children underweight
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 158)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 9.46MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage37 Percentage
Facility Skilled Delivery
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 154)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 40.7MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage71 Percentage
FP Attendance
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 131)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 78.1MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage40 Percentage
Fully Immunized Children under One year
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 161)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 44MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage79 Percentage
Latrine Coverage
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 159)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 86.9MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage7 Percentage
Stunting rate
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 157)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 7.7MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage8 Percentage
Under 5 Years affected with Diarrhoea
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 160)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 8.36MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage0 Percentage
% of children U5 years of age underweight for age
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 0.06MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage0 Percentage
HIV prevalence
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 0.01MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage52 Ratio
Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000 births)
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 10MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage65 Average Years
Life expectancy
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 70 yrsMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage187 Ratio
Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 60MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage1 Ratio
Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 0.2MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage0 Percentage
Stunting prevalence
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 0.1MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage5 Ratio
Total fertility rate (number of children per woman)
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 2.5MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage43 Ratio
Under five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
As of 2017 (KDHS - Kenya Demographic Health Survey)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 10MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage200
A.I. served (Conventional)
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 11Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition10
A.I. served (Sexed)
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 15Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition40,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Camel
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition10,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Cattle - Beef
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition30,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Cattle - Dairy
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition5,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Donkeys
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition3,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Goats - Meat
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition10,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Goats- Dairy
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition3,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Hives - KTBH
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition4,500 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Hives - Langstroth
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition500 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Hives - Log
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition8,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Pigs - Beef
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition400 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - Broilers
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition500 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - Dual purpose poultry
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition800 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - Ducks
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition1,200 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - Geese
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition300 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - indigenous
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition300 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - layers
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition3,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Poultry - Turkey
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition200 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Rabbit - Beef
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition3,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Sheep - Hair
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition4,000 KSH
Average Livestock Prices - Sheep- Wool
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2, Goal 8Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition18,000 Number
Cattle vaccinations against Blantrax
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition12,000 Number
Cattle vaccinations against Foot and Mouth (FMD)
As of 2018 (elgeyo marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 2Big4 Goal: Food Security and Nutrition692 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 38)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage293,647 Cases
All other diseases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 2)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage798 Cases
Anaemia cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 34)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage25,788 Cases
Arthritis, Joint pains etc.
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 8)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage7,197 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 19)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage58 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 52)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage6,263 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 18)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage4,318 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 20)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage264 Cases
Cardiovascular conditions
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 49)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage86 Cases
Central Nervous System Conditions
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 53)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage2 Cases
Cerebral Palsy
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 68)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage4,293 Cases
Chicken Pox
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 22)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage4 Cases
Chromosomal abnormalities (e.g. Downs, Edwards syndromes, etc)
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 62)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage11,312 Cases
Confirmed Malaria (only Positive cases)
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 11)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage18 Cases
Congenital Anomalies
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 57)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage40 Cases
Deaths due to Road Traffic Injuries
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 58)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage8,776 Cases
Dental Disorders
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 17)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage1,766 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 28)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage55,961 Cases
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 6)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage175 Cases
Disease of Puerperium and Childbirth
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 42)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage66,320 Cases
Disease of the skin
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 5)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage1,473 Cases
Dog Bites
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 37)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage1,705 Cases
Dysentery (Bloody Diarrhoea)
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 26)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage9,685 Cases
Ear Infections/ Conditions
As of 2018 (DHIS 2 - District Health Information System 16)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage3 number
Active Cooperatives
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
35 number
Cooperative Membership
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
44,010 number
Cooperative Share Capital
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
758,240 number
Cooperative Turnover
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
1 number
Dormant Cooperatives
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
1 number
Newly Registered Cooperatives
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
235 KM2
As of 2018 (CIDP)
3 Number
Number of Locations
As of 2018 (CIDP)
11 Number
Number of Sub Locations
As of 2018 (CIDP)
36 Percentage
household Food distribution by source - Own production
As of 2015 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
12 Percentage
household Food distribution by source - Stock
As of 2015 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
5 Percentage
household Food distribution by source -Gifts
As of 2015 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
48 Percentage
household Food distribution by source -Purchases
As of 2015 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
43 Percentage
Poverty Rate
As of 2015 (KiHBS 2015)
20,370 Number
As of 2009 (CIDP)
19 Hectares
Area under african nightshade production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar4 Hectares
Area under amarantha production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar0 Hectares
Area under apple production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar12 Hectares
Area under avocado production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar5 Hectares
Area under banana production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar2,222 Hectares
Area under bean production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar5 Hectares
Area under butter nut production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar18 Hectares
Area under cabbage production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar4 Hectares
Area under carrot production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar5 Hectares
Area under cassava production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar166 Hectares
Area under coffee production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar13 Hectares
Area under corriander production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar110 Hectares
Area under cotton production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar64 Hectares
Area under cow peas production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar5 Hectares
Area under egg plant production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar3,112 Hectares
Area under finger millet production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar5 Hectares
Area under french beans production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar3 Hectares
Area under garden peas production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar3 Hectares
Area under green gram production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar300 Hectares
Area under groundnut production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar9 Hectares
Area under kales production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar20 Hectares
Area under macadamia production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar7,230 Hectares
Area under maize production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar251 Hectares
Area under mango production
As of 2018 (Department of Agriculture and Irrigation Reports)
MTP III Goal: Economic Pillar1 Number
Athletics camps
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar1 Number
Children assembly
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1 End poverty in all its forms everywhereBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar4 Number
County Levelled Fields
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar6 Number
County Levelled fields
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar120 Number
Elderly on county medical program
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar19 Number
Football teams
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar5 Number
PWDs groups on county government IGAs
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar3 Number
PWDs groups on county government IGAS
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar10 Number
Volleyball teams
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar9 Number
Women groups on county government IGAs
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar6 Number
Youth groups on county government IGAs
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar18 Number
Youths on county skill development grants
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar12,448,290 Ksh
Contracts value to PWDs Enterprises
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar231,000,000 Ksh
Contracts value to youths Enterprises
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar157,000,000 Ksh
Contracts value women
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar12 Number
PWDs Enterprises tender awards
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar109 Number
Women Enterprises tender awards
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar188 Number
Youth Enterprises tender awards
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: Goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for allBig4 Goal: Support the Big 4 AgendaMTP III Goal: Social Pillar4 Number
Operationalized ICT centres
As of 0 (elgeyo-marakwet)
Big4 Goal: Support the Big 4 Agenda3,480 Number
Class 1 enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved transition rates from pre-primary to primary grade 1MTP III Goal: Improved transition rates from pre-primary to primary grade 13,748 Number
Class 8 enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved literacy ratesMTP III Goal: Improved literacy rates31,362 Number
Primary school enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved enrolment rates primary EducationMTP III Goal: Improved enrolment rates primary Education22 Number
Private Primary Schools
As of 2018 (County Director of Education)
108 Number
Public Primary schools
As of 2018 (County Director of Education)
75 Percentage
Client satisfaction level
As of 2018 (Departmental Reports/)
SDG Indicator: 8.4.2, 16.7.270 Percentage
Employee satisfaction level
As of 2018 (Satisfaction survey report /Departmental HR reports)
SDG Indicator: 8.8.2, 8.5.130 Percentage
Prevalence of alcohol use
As of 2018 (Departmental Reports/ NACADA reports/reviewssurveys)
20 Number
No of decentralized administrative offices
As of 2017 (elgeyo-marakwet)
79 Number
Dispensary Connected with Electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
22 Number
Health centres Connected with Electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
854 Number
Households connected to electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
449 Number
Primary schools connected with Electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
116 Number
Secondary schools Connected with Electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
61 Number
Trading centres Connected with Electricity
As of 2018 (KPLC)
2 Number
ECD centre classrooms
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4MTP III Goal: Increased pre-school attendance211 Number
ECD centre enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4MTP III Goal: Increased pre-school attendance2 Number
ECD centre teachers
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4MTP III Goal: Improved Pupil to Teacher Ratio at Basic education level113,912 Hectares
Forest cover
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
6 Number
Households accessing water from boreholes
As of 2018 (Departmental report)
1,980 Number
Households with access to piped water
As of 2018 (Departmental report)
33 Percent
Proportion of households with access to clean water
As of 2018 (Elgeyo Marakwet)
2,973 Number
Form 1 Enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved transition rates from primary to secondary educationMTP III Goal: Improved transition rate from primary to secondary education2,512 Number
Form 4 Enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved secondary education level completion ratesMTP III Goal: Improved secondary education level completion rates1 Number
Private Secondary Schools
As of 2018 (County Director of Education)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved access to secondary educationMTP III Goal: Improved secondary education level completion rates34 Number
Public Secondary Schools
As of 2018 (County Director of Education)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved access to secondary educationMTP III Goal: Improved transition rate from primary to secondary education10,741 Number
Secondary school Enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 4CIDP Target: Improved enrolment rates in secondary educationMTP III Goal: Improved enrolment rates in secondary education71 Kilometres
Length of Earth roads
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.19 Kilometres
Length of Gravelled roads
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.138 Kilometres
Length of Paved Roads
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.11 Number
Number of box culverts
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.11 Number
Number of bridges
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.13 Number
Number of drifts
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.12 Number
Number of footbridges
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 9.1.125 Number
No of bills passed
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
20 Number
No of elected members
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
13 Number
No of nominated memmbers
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
275 Number
No of complaints forwarded to respective departmets
As of 2018 (Departmental reports)
275 Number
No of complaints reported
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
SDG Indicator: 16.1.2, 16.1.4173 Number
No of complaints resolved
As of 2018 (elgeyo-marakwet)
63 Percent
Proportion of complaints resolved
As of 2018 (Departmental reports)
85 Number
Number of Clinical Officers (general)
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 95MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage14 Number
Number of Clinical Officers (specialists)
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 24MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage2 Number
Number of Community Oral Health Officers
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 4MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage6 Number
Number of Consultants
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 5MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage2 Number
Number of Dental Technologists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 4MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage3 Number
Number of Dentists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 5MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage3 Number
Number of Dispensaries
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 1MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage21 Number
Number of Drivers
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 26MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage6 Number
Number of Health Administrators
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 6MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage2 Number
Number of Health Centres
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 3MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage17 Number
Number of Health Records & Information Officers
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 27MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage7 Number
Number of Hospital
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 7MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage48 Number
Number of Laboratory Technologist
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 58MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage12 Number
Number of Medical engineering technologist
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 12MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage31 Number
Number of Medical officers
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 35MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage2 Number
Number of Mortuary Attendants
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 4MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage101 Number
Number of Nursing staff (KECHN)
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 131MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage285 Number
Number of Nursing staff (KRCHNs)
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 335MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage18 Number
Number of Nutritionists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 29MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage5 Number
Number of Occupational Therapists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 6MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage22 Number
Number of Pharmaceutical Technologists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 26MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage4 Number
Number of Pharmacists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 8MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage6 Number
Number of Physiotherapists
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesCIDP Target: 8MTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage7 Number
Number of Plaster Technicians
As of 2018 (MFL - Master Facility List)
SDG Indicator: Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all agesMTP III Goal: Universal Health Coverage1 Number
VTC (Vocational Training) Centres
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET1 Number
VTC dormitory
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET74 Number
VTC enrolment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET37 Number
VTC graduates
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET25 Number
VTC graduates engaged in gainful employment
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET3 Number
VTC instructors
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET2 Number
VTC workshops
As of 2018 (Department of Education and Technical Training)
SDG Indicator: Goal 1, 4,8Big4 Goal: Support Manufacturing,affordable and decent housingMTP III Goal: Enhance access, equity and retention in TVET2,555 Number of households
Number of households with Fuel wood
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
1,367 Number of households
Number of households with Solar
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
19,959 Number of households
number of households with electricity
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
2,718 Number of households
Number of households with Gas Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
100,156 Number of households
number of households with Lantern
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
483 Number of households
Number of households with other lighting
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
1,791 Number of households
number of households with Presure Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
226,650 Number of households
Number of households with Tin Lamp
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent energy consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
61 Grid Extension
Status of Electrification of Primary Schools
As of 2015 (Ministry of Energy)
82 Health Centres
Electricity Connection by Consumer Entity
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
83 %
Percentage Distribution of Agricultural Parcels
As of 2017 (Kenya Open Data)
174,960,000 KSH
Cabbage Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
22,590,000 KSH
Carrots Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
148,560,000 KSH
Kales Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
90,228 Hectares
Land Potential by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
1,149,427 Production (90 Kg Bag) Cereals
Maize Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
209,200,000 KSH
Mangoes Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
56,057 KSH
Quantity and value of aquaculture production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
20 Production (Tons)
Rice Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
9,206 Production (90 Kg Bags)
Sorghum Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
305,260,000 KSH
Tomato Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
3,150 Production (90 Kg Bag)
Wheat Production
As of 2014 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
153,399,114 KSH
Tamato Production
As of 2013 (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries)
38 %
Average morbidity in all genders
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
41 %
Morbidity in females
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
35 %
Morbidity in males
As of 2016 (Kenya Open Data)
As of 2015 (Ministry of Health)
Among children under age 5 with fever, percentage who took any ACT
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Births assisted by a skilled provider (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Births delivered in a health facility (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children 12-23 months fully vaccinated (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are overweight or obese (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are stunted (moderate or severe) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are underweight (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under 5 years who are wasted (moderate or severe) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under age 5 who slept under an ITN the night before the survey (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Children under age 5 with fever in the 2 weeks before the survey
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Current use of any method of family planning (% of currently married women age 15-49)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Current use of any modern method of family planning (% of currently married women age 15-49)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Hospital Beds and Cots by Sub County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Households with at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Households with at least one ITN for every 2 persons in the household (universal coverage) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Men 15-49 who have been tested for HIV in the past 12 months and received the results of the last test (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Men 15-49 who know that HIV can be prevented by using condoms and limiting sex to one uninfected partner (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received 3+ doses of SP/Fansidar to prevent malaria during pregnancy, at least one dose was received during an ANC visit (IPTp) (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received 4+ ANC visits (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Pregnant women who received antenatal care from a skilled provider (%)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
154 Number of incidences
As of 2015 (The kenya Police)
892 Number of crimes
County Crime Figures according to Prevalence
As of 2014 (The Kenya Police)
892 Numbers
Crime incidences
As of 2014 (The Kenya Police)
241 Crime index
Crime index per 100000 people
As of 2014 (The kenya Police)
Distribution of the Poor (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Headcount Rate (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Poverty Gap (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Severity of Poverty (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Household level price (inflation price)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent food expenditure (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent non-food item consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Population Density 2009 (people per sq Km)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Share of urban population, 2009 (%)
As of 2009 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Poverty gap, based on KIHBS (2005/06)
As of 2005 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Annual population growth rate, 1999-2009(%)
As of 1999 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Monthly per-adult-equivalent education consumption (average)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
ECDE Centers by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
19,244 no of boys
ECDE Enrollment and Enrollment rates by county
As of 2014 (Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development)
KCSE Candidates by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
9,630 Number of overloaded desks in urban and semi urban settlements
Number of overloaded desks
As of 2014 (Centre for Humanitarian Data)
864 number of classes
Number of permanent classes in public schools
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
4,229 Number of teachers
Number of Secondary school teachers
As of 2014 (Ministry of Education)
222 Number of classes
Number of temporary classes in public schools
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
30 Average class size
Private Schools average class size
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
54 number of classes
private schools permanent class
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
6 number of classes
private schools temporary class
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
36 number of classes
pulic schools avarage class size
As of 2014 (Kenya Open Data)
Secondary School Enrollment by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Proportion of households that sought and accessed credit (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Proportion of households that sought credit (%)
As of 2015 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
2,171 Sq. Km
Arable Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
856 Sq. Km
Non-Arable Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
1 Sq. Km
Urban Area
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
1 Sq. Km
Water Mass
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
Fish ponds by Sub-County
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
9 Number
Gazetted forests
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
10 Number
Non-gazetted forests
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
93,688 Hectares
Size of gazetted forests
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
4,000 Hectares
Size of non-gazetted forests
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
407 Informal Enterprises
Informal Enterprises
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
506 Licensed Hawkers
Licensed Hawkers
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
95 Licensed Liquor Outlets
Licensed Liquor Outlets
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
942 Licensed Retail Traders (excl. Supermarkets)
Licensed Retail Traders (excl. Supermarkets)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
62 Licensed Wholesale Traders
Licensed Wholesale Traders
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
583 Other Licensed Businesses
Other Licensed Businesses
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
30 Petrol Stations
Petrol Stations
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
52 Registered Hotels
Registered Hotels
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
37 Supermarkets (Incl. branches)
Supermarkets (Incl. branches)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
108 Trading Centres
Trading Centres
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
381 Informal Enterprises
Trading Centers and Licensed Businesses
As of 2013 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
92 Bitumen
Roads Coverage by Type and Distance (km)
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
101 Sudden Death
Top Causes of Death
As of 2014 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
37 %
Access to improved sources of water
As of 2013 (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics)
333 number of households
number of households with main septic tanks
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
60,669 number of households
number of households with the main pit latrine
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
295 Number of households
number of households with the main sewer
As of 2009 (Kenya Open Data)
6 %
Paved Roads as a % of Total Area Roads
As of 2011 (Centre for Humanitarian Data)
Local Revenue by Stream - 2015-16
- Produce and other CessANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE30.6 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE31.6 million
- Public Health, Medical Levies and Hospi- tal FeesANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE65.3 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE47.1 million
- Rent Income on Residential/ Commercial BuildingsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE1 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE2.1 million
- Other DepartmentsANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE18.5 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE12 million
- Bus Park/ Parking FeesANNUAL TARGETED REVENUE3.7 millionANNUAL ACTUAL REVENUE4.4 million
Budget Summary - 2017-18
Click to View
Annual Revenue Vs. Annual Expenditure
Revenue Breakdown
Expenditure Breakdown