020-344194; 0725-624489
P.O. Box 30075-00100, Nairobi
Nairobi County - Resources
List of Nairobi County resources as displayed in DevolutionHub
- Nairobi City County Finance Act 2013County Legislation | County Government | English | 2013
AN ACT of the Nairobi City County Assembly to provide for the various taxes, fees and charges for services, and for other revenue raising measures by the county government; and for matters incidental thereto - Trade Sectoral ReviewPolicies and Guidelines County Legislation | County Government | English | 2014
PSM Sector is aimed at transforming the county human resource through under mentioned objectives: To implement Countys policies and programmes To act as a catalyst for social economic development of the County To uphold national values and principles of public service To motivate and promote public service productivity To institutionalize reforms and accountability framework - Nairobi City County Governmnet World 2020 Progam| | English | 2020
Nairobi City County Governmnet World Tourism 2020 Progam - Nairobi Citizen Budget 2018-2019| | English | 2018
...The Citizens Budget is a requirement of section 6 (2) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 (County Government Regulation, 2015) whichstates that the County Treasury shall arrange for effective public participation during the development of their annual budget estimates including publication of citizens budget which shall explain and summarize the budget proposal - Nairobi City County ByLaws 2019| | English | 2019
...Nairobi City County ByLaws 2019 - Nairobi City County Budget Review Outlook Paper 2019| | English | 2019
...2019CountyBudgetReviewandOutlookPaper Page iv1 - Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022| | English | 2018
...Nairobi County Integrated Development Plan, 2018 - NAIROBI CITY COUNTY COUNTY ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CADP) 2019/2020| | English | 2019
This is the second Plan in a series of five through which the County Integrated DevelopmentPlan 2018-2022 shall be implemented - Nairobi City Council METROPOLITAN SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2019| | English | 2019
...Nairobi City Council METROPOLITAN SERVICES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2019 - Nairobi City Council PROGRAM BASED AND ITEMISED BUDGET 2021-2022| | English | 2021
...Nairobi City Council PROGRAM BASED AND ITEMISED BUDGET 2021-2022