254-058-6144288/ (001) 2345678
P.O. Box 434-40500, Nyamira.
Nyamira County - Resources
List of Nyamira County resources as displayed in DevolutionHub
...The budget proposals contained in the Nyamira County Fiscal Strategy Paper 2017 is balancedwith the resource envelop of the county and as such the County Government of Nyamira hasno plans for deficit financing in the financial year 2017/2018 - COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NYAMIRA BUDGET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK PAPER 2019/2020| | English | 2019
...The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 20120 has been prepared in line withthe Constitution of Kenya 2010 and Section 118 of the PFM Act, 2012 - COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NYAMIRA AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND BILL, 2019| | English | 2019
...COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NYAMIRATHE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUNDBILL, 2019 - Nyamira County Government CPSB Strategic Plan 2018| | English | 2018
...Nyamira County Government CPSB Strategic Plan 2018 - NYAMIRA COUNTY TRADE AND INVESTMENTS DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2014| | English | 2014
...NYAMIRA COUNTY TRADE AND INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2014 AN ACT of the Nyamira County Assembly to provide for the trade development, promotion, development and regulation of Micro and small enterprises in the County; to promote and facilitate investment within the County by assisting investors to invest and to provide for the establishment of the Trade and Investments Development Board, and for connected purposes - NYAMIRA COUNTY CROP AGRICULTURE BILL, 2019| | English | 2019
...THE NYAMIRA COUNTY CROP AGRICULTURE BILL, 2019A Bill for AN ACT of the County Assembly of Nyamira to establish an efficient legal and institutional framework for development and regulation of crop agriculture and for connected and incidental purposes - COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NYAMIRA EDUCATION STRATEGIC PLAN 2018 -2022| | English | 2018
...This chapter describes the current situation of the department both internally and externally - NYAMIRA COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION BILL, 2014| | English | 2014
...THE NYAMIRA COUNTY EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION BILL, 2014 AN ACT of the County Assembly of Nyamira to provide a framework for the establishment of systems for the administration of early childhood education within the County, and for connected purpose - COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF NYAMIRA COUNTY BUDGET REVIEW AND OUTLOOK PAPER 2019| | English | 2019
...The County Budget Review and Outlook Paper (CBROP) 2019 has been prepared in line withthe Constitution of Kenya 2010 and Section 107 of the PFM Act, 2012 - Nyamira County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017| | English | 2013
...Nyamira County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017