254 773456711, 057-2025366, 057-2025377
P.O. Box 2738 - 40100, KISUMU
Kisumu County - Resources
List of Kisumu County resources as displayed in DevolutionHub
AN ACT of Kisumu County Assembly to provide forthe licensing and regulation of the production, sale,distribution, consumption and outdoor advertising,of alcoholic drinks, and for connected purposes - Kisumu County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017| | English | 2013
...Kisumu County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017 - KISUMU APPROVED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2020/2021| | English | 2020
The Constitution of Kenya and Section 130 of the Public Finance Management Act 2012 require theCounty Executive Member for Finance to submit the Budget Estimate of the County Government for thefollowing year by 30th April in the format and content prescribed, together with other information anddocuments supporting the submitted Estimates - KISUMU COUNTY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ACT, 2019| | English | 2019
Provide a forum for high level consultations andintegrated planning that takes into account countyinterests and relevant national policies;(b) Provide for a mechanism for broad andmeaningful consultations of key stakeholders inthe planning of economic and social developmentof Kisumu County;(c) Establish a framework for effective engagementand participation of state and non-state actors; and(d) Provide for social accountability, monitoring andaudit of development in Kisumu county - State of Sanitation in Kisumu CountyReport | Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) | English | 2014
This county sanitation profile has been compiled as part of a series of information sheets to provide an overview of the state of sanitation in each of the 47 counties in Kenya - KISUMU COUNTY ENTERPRISE FUND ACT, 2018| | English | 2018
AN ACT of the County Assembly of Kisumu to provide for theestablishment of the county enterprise fund for the promotion ofenterprise development and for related purposes - Kisumu Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (PSUP)| | English | 2020
UN-Habitat, the United Nations agency for human settlements, helps the urban poor by transformingcities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live in dignity - Report of the Auditor-General on the Financial Operations of Kisumu CountyReport Budget & Fiscal Plans | Kenya National Audit Office | English | 2014
REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL ON THE OPERATIONS OF KISUMU COUNTY GOVERNMENT AND ITS DEFUNCT LOCAL AUTHORITIES FOR THE PERIOD 1 JANUARY TO 30 JUNE 2013 The Auditor-General has the mandate under Article 229 of the Constitution to audit and report on the accounts of the National and County Governments - Kisumu National Energy Situational and Stakeholder Analysis KENYA| | English | 2018
Kenya is a country located in the east of Africa, bordered by Somalia (to the east), Ethiopia (to thenorth), Uganda (to the west) and Tanzania (to the south), with its south-eastern border on theIndian Ocean - KISUMU COUNTY INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN II, 2018-2022| | English | 2018
The second Kisumu County IntegratedDevelopment Plan is the Countysdevelopment blueprint that outlines theprogrammes and projects which KisumuCounty intends to implement during thefive-year period starting 2018 to 2022