P.O Box 4-80403 Kwale Kenya
Kwale County - Resources
List of Kwale County resources as displayed in DevolutionHub
This is the first Annual Development Plan to be prepared in the medium term 2018-2023 covering the second generation County IntegratedDevelopment Plan (CIDP )2018-2023 - KWALE Reports and Financial Statements For the 3rd quarter ended 31st March, 2019| | English | 2019
Background information The County is constituted as per the constitution of Kenya is headed by the County Governor,who is responsible for the general policy and strategic direction of the County - KWALE THE COUNTY TREASURY CITIZEN BUDGET FY 2019/2020| | English | 2019
Transparencyand citizen participation are inseparable from good governance - Kwale County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022| | English | 2018
...Kwale County Integrated Development Plan 2018-2022 - KWALE ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN 2018-2019| | English | 2018
ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN 2018-2019 - KWALE Reports and Financial Statements For the 4th Quarter ended 30th June, 2019| | English | 2019
Background information The County is constituted as per the constitution of Kenya is headed by the County Governor,who is responsible for the general policy and strategic direction of the County - KWALE COUNTY TREASURY COUNTY ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (CADP) FY2020-2021| | English | 2020
The County Government Act 2012 section 104(1) states that a county government shall plan for the county and no public funds shallbe appropriated outside a planning framework developed by the county executive committee and approved by the county assembly - County Executive of Kwale-2018-2019| | English | 2019
County Executive of Kwale-2018-2019 - Kwale County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017| | English | 2013
...Kwale County Integrated Development Plan 2013-2017 - KWALE COUNTY FISCAL STRATEGY PAPER| | English | 2015
The theme of the 2014 National Budget Policy statement which this paper uses as reference is:Economic Transformation for a shared prosperity in Kenya